mercoledì, luglio 25, 2007
Odna iz 2
Potom zabila 4to ne rabotala bolshe.
Poshla v magazine, no spomnila 4to vse uje bil.
Prosnulas na kravate, horoshoi sonze zeloval ee lizo.
A ee liubimi, zeloval ee ves gde.
lunedì, luglio 02, 2007
nada 4to ne4ego otstolos v golove.
novi mesez, novaia nedela.
zakrivaiu glaza.
sabato, giugno 30, 2007
брал погода
о птици не могу думат.
о мне тоже нет.
жду рождество. но надеюс лето скоро будет остоват время.
vremia, tam gde mir daleko, a jizn blije.
giovedì, giugno 21, 2007
martedì, giugno 19, 2007
giovedì, giugno 14, 2007
Middle Earth, Middle Europe
What about driving? Oh, very much indeed.
Do you like taxes? Not really, I'd prefer to pay less of them.
Do you miss the mediterranean? Very much, it's very far away now.
Where, where?
I believe in everything I read that was written long ago.
Everything, that hasn't been later dismissed by science.
And even science eventually comes back to agree.
Now, I believe in my Sarmatian.
Kill your enemy, or never be wed.
mercoledì, giugno 13, 2007
giovedì, giugno 07, 2007
just a note
when night comes, voices stop.
he'd have liked to say a few last words.
his heart had just been the sunset. red and yellow, but not for too long.
like the sun, it had been a glorious blue day.
but like the sun, the end had been a pain.
they say the sun is carried by gods in a chariot.
I wish I had caught the chariot tonight, leaving a not for you.
A note that drops on you when the sun wakes up tomorrow and fast runs across the sky.
A note that said what i told, only better and many more times again.
This note could be the one I just wrote,
reaching you
giovedì, maggio 31, 2007
Ishme Dagan leaves.
He stood at the border of his village.
He began thinking about all that had happened in his life. Various images appeared in his mind, as it usually happens when electric current goes through those same brain cells.
Those brain cells that had received their first imprint and never touched again.
Ishme wondered if he would ever live similar experiences that would have him feel those nerves once again.
Then, a new thought came to his mind. What if the new experiences would alter those cells?
For all he knew about the chemistry of the brain, every time a chemical reaction went through a cell, the triggering factor would be altered. Of course, Ishme thought, new experiences will alter those cell, and alter the memory of the experience itself.
Ishme kept going deeper and deeper, following what was now a real introspection. The new experiences could alter so much some cells, to all but erase what is in my brain currently.
All of a sudden he feared the future.
He had put so much effort into living life at the fullest for all those years.
The thought of finally being back in the village and settling down had always been something to cherish and look forward to.
Now this future could threaten all the dear memories he collected.
Ishme felt his hand being squeezed.
- You never told me you lived in such a nice place
Ishme turned to his left, there she was, holding his hand.
He realized he'd never forget, because the result of all those years wasn't in some brain cell ready to be altered, but there standing in front of him.
What happened to his synopses didn't matter anymore, he was ready to start writing some great new pages into the diary of his brain cells.
- I had forgotten
Ishme smiled, and walked into the village, still holding her hand.
mercoledì, maggio 30, 2007
Dreams, decisions.
I actually believe the dreams tell you what you already know and think, but simply haven't thought clearly yet (maybe because you didn't want to).
What is dream-reading? Its based on association of ideas. X means Y.
It's based on the fact that your emotions are strongly attached to images, and when you dream, your mind uses those images as its words.
Since its been recently argued that emotions are what make people take decisions, and not rational analysis (which only prepares the information on which the emotive side of the brain
has to decide) it seems fitting that when a dream uses images that connect back to emotions, your brain is taking a decision.
When you wake up the next day, don't think whether to follow the advice of the brain or not, you have already taken a decision.
venerdì, maggio 25, 2007
Attention Deficit
That's when you'd normally shut up, but you don't because you are on the phone.
So air still needs to come out, because you'd like to say something nice or smart,
but you don't even realize you going to say quite the opposite/
domenica, maggio 20, 2007
перёды жизне
иногдо я думаю о моеи жизнъ и вижю что естъ две периоди,
перви где я слышалъ и ждалъ, где не верилъ нечево поэтому
я ехал вес где, но некагла жыл как если я в местой где я.
значетъ что я нашёлъ друзя и мог дружитъ, но нет любовъ.
а сейчас уже активни, готов но битъ меня.
значетъ что я виделъ и слышалъ мир и люди, поэтому я лутще чем
им все.
но. чесно говоритъ, я даже байлсъя что я опосдолъ но моей
активни жизнъ, что любовъ моей жизнъ меня не будетъ.
я ошиболос
mercoledì, maggio 16, 2007
Shapes and Forms
sabato, maggio 12, 2007
venerdì, maggio 11, 2007
Food Today
giovedì, maggio 10, 2007
Most likely a Starbucks Vanilla frappuccino did it.
Something I haven't had in more then 3 years.
Stupid milk.
mercoledì, maggio 09, 2007
venerdì, maggio 04, 2007
lunedì, aprile 30, 2007
lives, past &...
lunedì, aprile 23, 2007
sfo/mtv again

Here again. this time I am in the Google bus, that has Wi-Fi inside!
Going down silicon valley, in perfect geek style. The bus bumps a lot though, I'll get a headache soon :(
Somehow, this time I'd like to be somewhere else, strongly.
It's strange, after all these years, I don't get what's cool about the US anymore.
It looks so plain. Not exciting at all.
Maybe only new york will still pass the bar. This country is a large office.
mercoledì, aprile 18, 2007
A new era
It puts February in the records too.
It's a feeling of completion. Closure as well.
I'll try to post pictures soon of the places I've been at.
I am doing 6 countries, 2 continents, 2 currencies all in this single month.
But what's best is not what varies, but what stays the same.
It is the best part of it all.
And it will stay.
Sweet spring! And even sweeter things to come.
domenica, aprile 08, 2007
Music-Church-Home cooked lunch-post lunch rest-park-ice cream.
Mesto dlia dvux.
giovedì, aprile 05, 2007
Cominciano le danze
E poi via il resto.
Dimenticavo, forse ci infilo anche Budapest.
E in tutto questo anche un viaggio regalo alla Mamma.
lunedì, aprile 02, 2007
In western europe, we grew up with the notion that the roman empire was ended when rome was taken.
Wrong, it went on. The empire absolutely lived with its imperial traditions long after.
In its new capital. A capital that was chosen much earlier than Roma was taken.
The capital of the emperor, head of the state and representative of Christ.
It was an empire that kept alive science, whose destruction by the turks led to the Renaissance in Italy, driven by the found-again science and philosphy that the greek speaking intellectuals from the roman empire brought with them.
An empire of christians next to muslims. Using arabs, before they were muslims, to fight the germanic tribes. Then using vikings to protect the emperor.
The world has always been a lot closer than we think. Only the last 2 centuries allowed governments to have such a strong grip on citizens and borders could really be closed off.
sabato, marzo 31, 2007
Aprile pazzerello
Il menu del mese:
Dublino-Vienna-Bruxelles-Vienna-Londra-San Francisco-Vienna-Dublino
E sono riuscito ad eliminare tappe intermedie.
Speriamo i chili extra non mi facciano tanto male.
Tanta fortuna.
giovedì, marzo 22, 2007
tepleia italia
4eres odin dei mojno bit gde zneg idet, i gde jarko.
s druziami nekagda zakon4ivaetsia boltat.
-14 ?
martedì, marzo 20, 2007
Inverno, Sneg opiat.
this week, it's swiss week.
In a couple of weeks I'll be starting a back to back month of not being in Ireland, but everywhere else.
I need to learn to work with my laptop again.
Great things happened today. My star is shining brighter tonight.
martedì, marzo 13, 2007
Vacation Horoscope
Ecco, segno per segno, quali sono le vacanze ideali da prenotare per scacciare lo stress:
- Ariete: vacanze avventurose; Aries - adventure
- Toro: crociera; Taurus - cruise
- Gemelli: Las Vegas alla ricerca di svago; Gemini - Las Vegas
- Cancro: Italia o Francia alla scoperta dei buoni sapori; Cancer - Italy or France to eat
- Leone: Thailandia, Maldive, Caraibi;
- Vergine: nessuna meta precisa, basta partire; Virgo - anywhere is good
- Bilancia: Toscana o Provenza; Scales - Tuscany or South east France
- Scorpione: Cina; Scorpio - China
- Sagittario: spiaggia e mare, ovunque sia;
- Capricorno: posti sconosciuti e isolati;
- Acquario: zone poco abitate e parchi naturali;
- Pesci: New York
I prefer Scales' places..
domenica, marzo 11, 2007
siamo animali sociali. we are social animals
passioni ed emozioni, in fondo e' perche' o non le ha o e'
una persona che ti dice che ti vuole bene ma non sa dimostartelo
e' un bugiardo.
e in quanto animali sociali la nostra esistenza si compie in
relazione con l'altro. l'egoistico auto compiacimento della
propria personale realizzazione porta alla depressione
e al senso di complotto e congiura. quanto di piu' lontano
dalla felicita' ci sia.
those who cannot show (meaning openly live) their
passions and emotions, probably don't have them or they
are immature.
a person that tells you that they feel for you, but isn't able
to show you, is a liar.
since we are social animals, we realize ourselves in the
relationship with others. the egotistical self fulfillment from
our own personal achievements takes you to depression
and a sense of conspiracy and paranoical tendencies. that is
the furthest away from happyness you can be.
sabato, marzo 10, 2007
da andare assolutamente.
italia e california.
zvadbe druzia.
giovedì, marzo 08, 2007
domenica, marzo 04, 2007
sabato, marzo 03, 2007
So what you givin' up for me?
Aimless expectations passing by
If you lived here you'd be home now
If you lived here you'd be home now
And to make it real
I need to have you here
No Doubt, Home Now
giovedì, marzo 01, 2007
Insiemi, lecture 2
- In riferimento a Boskov (ovvero A e' il reale, B la fantasia), e alla risposta di Francesco .
La fantasia stessa cresce? Se si, a che velocita'?
Se entrambe sono in movimento, qual'e' la tendenza?
Govorim o realnost i fantasia.
Esli dumaem o mesto/vremia (??) kuda idut realnost i fantasia?
Kajdi dei, sto to katori ranshe bilo tolko fantasia, stanovitsia realno.
A fantasia rastet v etom vremia? Kto bistree?
Na kanez fantasia bolshe ne budet, ili kajdi raz sto-to novogo slucitsia, fantasia bistree rastet?
Is this the same job?
dopo 8 mesi ho rivisto per un attimo quella vita da consulente itinerante.
what a flash.
if I think about it I feel like being liberated from customer which holds a whip in the shape of an invoice. and you hope he'll use it one more time.
mercoledì, febbraio 28, 2007
I colori (цвет) del re(корол) che rivoluziona. Lavoro migliora. Giocato a calcetto.
Piani pasquali. Anzi devo chiedere le ferie. Borsa che e' andata un po' giu' ieri, oggi forse gia' si e' ripresa.

martedì, febbraio 27, 2007
Chi sarebbe in grado oggi di scrivere una favola come Cenerentola?
Nessuno, perché non era una favola.
Erano tutte allegorie. Tutto si basava sul comune sentire di autore e spettatore, che capiva i riferimenti che a lui venivano presentati.
E' bello guardare un quadro e leggerne le pagine. Fino a trovare la penna e risalire al pensiero e alle emozioni dietro alle figure, ai colori.
L'arte moderna é molto più immediata e diretta. Tutto è su una sola pagina.
L'arte medioevale e rinascimentale invece era un libro.
скаски ранше били разошлись чем сегодниа.
кто сейчас мог писат скаска как золушка?
некто, потомучто это не скаска но аллегориа.
все били аллегорие, автор и зрител чувствали одинакого. зрител пониол ссылки котори автор покозал его.
приятно смотреть на картину и читать еи страницы. читат чтоби наидти ручку, и от это восходить к мысли и к волнениям у фигурами, у цветами.
искусство moderna намного приамой. все написано в одном странице.
искусство средневековий и возрождений напротив было книгой.
P.S. минус один.
lunedì, febbraio 26, 2007
Il sultano e' battuto
Khurrem o Hurrem (allegra)
Fu la favorita del Sultano Soleimano Kanuni ,"il magnifico".
Schiava, di nazionalità russa, per gli storici è conosciuta col nome di Roxelana.
Il cronista di quei tempi Pietro Bragadino scrive:
- ....altra donna di nation rossa, giovine non bella ma grasiada -.
Fu la madre di tre figli: il Sultano Selim II., il principe Murad e Maometto e di una figlia Mihrimah Sultana.
Grazie alla sua prontezza di spirito, alla sua furbizia ed alla sua intelligenza, fu la consigliera del Sultano fino alla sua morte.
Il Sultano fece costruire per lei un mausoleo nel giardino della moschea che porta il suo nome. Ad Istanbul, molte opere di beneficienza furono finanziate da lei.
In the Harem, she gradually worked her way up to become Süleyman's favourite concubine, gaining the name "Hasseki." In 1534 she used her influence to have Süleyman's firstborn son, together with his mother, sent away to be a provincial governor, and several years later apparently persuaded Süleyman to have him strangled - see Süleyman the Magnificent for details.
Khourrem was to bear Süleyman five children and, in an astonishing break with tradition, eventually became his wife, leading to one of her sons, Selim, inheriting the empire. Khourrem also may have acted as Süleyman's advisor on matters of state, and seems to have had an influence upon foreign affairs and international politics. Two of her letters to the Polish King Sigismund Augustus have been preserved and during her lifetime, the Ottoman Empire generally had peaceful relations with the Polish state. Some historians also believe that she may have intervened with her husband to control Crimean Tatar slave-raiding in her native land.
venerdì, febbraio 23, 2007
mercoledì, febbraio 21, 2007
Agnes di Bisanzio
Su periodi di cui conosco poco. Come Eshnunna, citta' Accadica.
Adesso invece leggo la storia di Agnese, moglie di Alessio II Comneno, imperatore di Bisanzio.
E' una scusa per raccontare di Bisanzio al tempo delle crociate (specie dopo la terza).
Mette in correlazione com'era il mondo in quei anni. Quando ad esempio l'Ungheria era un regno alleato di Bisanzio, il che aveva prodotto, tramite matrimoni, imperatori biondi.
O la descrizione delle torri fino ad allora inespugnate che si allungano fino alla Conca d'Oro.
Le storie del ducato di Provenza, passaggio obbligato per chi vuol raggiungere il re di Francia.
Se la realta' e' reale, la fantasia cos'e'?
Se si definiscono 2 insiemi matematici, ed A e' l'insieme reale, mentre B e' l'insieme della fantasia,
B contiene A?
B intersezione A cos'e'? E l'inverso?
lunedì, febbraio 19, 2007
Мысли мои, когда я шел, были тяжелы, гнетущи...
«Жизнь твоя близится к закату... Кайся...»
Такова была фраза, сказанная мне на сеансе Спинозой, дух которого нам удалось вызвать
sabato, febbraio 17, 2007
parole pesanti
domenica, febbraio 11, 2007
Il ciclone di Gennaio
Febbraio Dublinese
Febbraio, novità da tanti punti di vista.
Purtroppo tutti confidential, da molti lati, non i soliti scontati.
Prima settimana con incroci e sintesi.
Le prossime 2 saranno di lavoro con team allargato.
Poi spero tanto in un weekend lontano da qui. Spero di poterlo prenotare presto su che ogni giorno che passa mi può costare di più.
Visto Bobby al cinema. Speravo meglio, un po' deluso.
Visto Parfume, che invece mi è piaciuto molto.
Visto film su Sky che mi sono piaciuti. Soprattutto A walk in the clouds. The Family Stone anche carino.
Qui a Dublino mi sono un po' più integrato, comprato un materasso nuovo, serviva.
Ogni tanto cerco di sistemarmi la casa.
Foto niente. Non ne ho da mettere.