giovedì, maggio 31, 2007

Ishme Dagan leaves.

Again it was time for Ishme to leave.
He stood at the border of his village.

He began thinking about all that had happened in his life. Various images appeared in his mind, as it usually happens when electric current goes through those same brain cells.
Those brain cells that had received their first imprint and never touched again.
Ishme wondered if he would ever live similar experiences that would have him feel those nerves once again.
Then, a new thought came to his mind. What if the new experiences would alter those cells?
For all he knew about the chemistry of the brain, every time a chemical reaction went through a cell, the triggering factor would be altered. Of course, Ishme thought, new experiences will alter those cell, and alter the memory of the experience itself.

Ishme kept going deeper and deeper, following what was now a real introspection. The new experiences could alter so much some cells, to all but erase what is in my brain currently.
All of a sudden he feared the future.

He had put so much effort into living life at the fullest for all those years.
The thought of finally being back in the village and settling down had always been something to cherish and look forward to.
Now this future could threaten all the dear memories he collected.

Ishme felt his hand being squeezed.
- You never told me you lived in such a nice place

Ishme turned to his left, there she was, holding his hand.
He realized he'd never forget, because the result of all those years wasn't in some brain cell ready to be altered, but there standing in front of him.
What happened to his synopses didn't matter anymore, he was ready to start writing some great new pages into the diary of his brain cells.

- I had forgotten
Ishme smiled, and walked into the village, still holding her hand.

mercoledì, maggio 30, 2007

Dreams, decisions.

Do you believe in what you dream at night?

I actually believe the dreams tell you what you already know and think, but simply haven't thought clearly yet (maybe because you didn't want to).

What is dream-reading? Its based on association of ideas. X means Y.
It's based on the fact that your emotions are strongly attached to images, and when you dream, your mind uses those images as its words.

Since its been recently argued that emotions are what make people take decisions, and not rational analysis (which only prepares the information on which the emotive side of the brain
has to decide) it seems fitting that when a dream uses images that connect back to emotions, your brain is taking a decision.

When you wake up the next day, don't think whether to follow the advice of the brain or not, you have already taken a decision.

venerdì, maggio 25, 2007

Attention Deficit

Tireness. What is it? Many things, but what it does is lower the attention level.
That's when you'd normally shut up, but you don't because you are on the phone.
So air still needs to come out, because you'd like to say something nice or smart,
but you don't even realize you going to say quite the opposite/

domenica, maggio 20, 2007

перёды жизне

много время и очен лолго я думал о философю.
иногдо я думаю о моеи жизнъ и вижю что естъ две периоди,
перви где я слышалъ и ждалъ, где не верилъ нечево поэтому
я ехал вес где, но некагла жыл как если я в местой где я.
значетъ что я нашёлъ друзя и мог дружитъ, но нет любовъ.
а сейчас уже активни, готов но битъ меня.
значетъ что я виделъ и слышалъ мир и люди, поэтому я лутще чем
им все.
но. чесно говоритъ, я даже байлсъя что я опосдолъ но моей
активни жизнъ, что любовъ моей жизнъ меня не будетъ.
я ошиболос

mercoledì, maggio 16, 2007

Shapes and Forms

This is my desk.
It's not in my face each and every time. But it makes my mind fly.
I appreciate a lot the fact that its very precise, yet you can't tell what it is.
The hand was connected to the brain.

This week is a special week. A week like none other before this.

sabato, maggio 12, 2007


I was asked for a скаска

I'll call to get some inspiration

venerdì, maggio 11, 2007

Food Today

Spinach Knodel (Dumplings)*
Wiener Schnitzel (Breaded Pork escalopes)
Chicken Strudel
Green Beans**

giovedì, maggio 10, 2007


Most likely a Starbucks Vanilla frappuccino did it.
Something I haven't had in more then 3 years.

Stupid milk.

mercoledì, maggio 09, 2007


I have an allergy to Dublin.
As I came back yesterday, before even going home, I started to feel scratchy.

And today I wake up and I have this in my arm, and in my back.

venerdì, maggio 04, 2007

una uscita tra colleghi

Eccomi alle prese con una uscita di gruppo.